The RGV Carvers meets weekly from 8:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M onThursday mornings from October through March at the Kamova Event Center 2711 South 23rd Street McAllen, Texas 78503
The purpose of these meetings is:
- To provide information about supplies, wood tools, books etc.
- To provide help in carving and finishing, tool sharpening, blank preparation
- To hold clinics on carving, sharpening, finishing work
- To provide opportunities for fellowship
- To provide an opportunity to exhibit your work
- To have fun!
Everyone is welcome to come to visit and hopefully join our club. We are happy to have people looking over our shoulders and asking questions. Much of the winter there are professional carving instructors and other highly skilled carvers available to answer your questions and give advice. After a person has visited 3 times, we do ask that you become a member of the RGV Woodcarvers. Annual dues are $35.00 for both you and your spouse. The association maintains a small library of carving books patterns, and video tapes for the use of the members. Informal, inexpensive classes are offered from time to time at the weekly meetings. Carving supplies, tool sharpening, and new ideas are available weekly.
For more information contact:
E-mail: rgvcarvers@rgvwoodcarvers.org
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